The Department of History is among the earliest Departments introduced when the College was established in 1975. At present, there are 4 Regular and 2 Contract teachers in the faculty - one Professor, three Associate Professors, and two Doctorate Degree holders.
Over the years, the Department has produced many successful graduates. The faculty is committed to providing a suitable learning experience which would ensure the all-round development of its students. It has taken steps to promote a close relationship between teachers and students, and organized departmental activities to cultivate academic interest among students.
1. FACULTY INITIATIVES: In addition to other funding sources, the Dept. organizes activities from the monthly financial contributions of its faculty members. It renders additional help and support to students through programmes such as Remedial Classes, Students Mentoring, Google Classroom and interaction via social media. As per the Institutional Calendar, Parents-Teachers Meet is held in the beginning of academic sessions. It also conducts monthly Department meetings to plan and review the progress of the Department. Felicitation programme for new batch of graduates is an important tradition of the Department. To promote co-curricular activities, arrangements are made frequently for students to attend special lectures/shows organized by local and State bodies. The Department also encourages students’ participation in Sports, NCC, YAC and NSS activities under the institutional framework.
2.CLASSROOM TEACHING: Classroom teachings are conducted through lecture method, use of audio-visual aids, documentary shows and power-point presentations. Quiz, paper presentations, group discussions and class tests are held as and when convenient.
3.DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES: The Department organizes frequent Field trips and Study tours within and outside the State. Some of the sites recently visited are Delhi (2018), visit to historical sites in Eastern Mizoram (2019) and Mizo village at Falkawn (2020).
Teachers make arrangements to engage students in Seminars, Television Talk shows on Nationalism (Meet the Heroes:Peace Pays), Voluntary Blood Donations and Sensitization campaigns on social issues such as HIV Awareness, etc.
In recent times, the Department has organized Invited lectures, Career Counseling, Environmental Awareness Campaign and Seminar on Gender Sensitization in Contemporary Mizo Society. The Department firmly believes in the importance of these activities in enhancing knowledge and sensitizing students on significant social issues.
Contact: histdept.gac@gmail.com