With good nutrition being essential for growing young bodies and minds, the college has had a canteen for many years. As the college now has two campuses at Mualpui and Sikulpuikawn, the college also has two canteens. The canteen at Sikulpuikawn is situated on the ground floor of the building, with a seating capacity of about 60 people, while the cafeteria at the Mualpui campus which is next to the Commerce Block and has an airy extension on top, has a total seating capacity of about 162 people.

The college has a Canteen Committee with members from the faculty and office staff who supervise the food and service. Tenders are periodically floated and candidates submit proposed menus and rates. The Canteen Committee then examines the menus and conducts personal interviews, after which selections are made. The food is served at a concessional rate for both students and staff.