The Consumer Club attended a program organized by the Consumer Union of Mizoram on March 5, 2024, at the Conference Hall, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, New Capital Road, Khatla, on the theme ‘Fair and Responsible AI for Consumers’ to observe World Consumer Rights Day. The chief guest was Mr. B. Lalchhanzova, Hon’ble Minister of the Department of Food, Civil, Supplies, and Consumer Affairs.

A presentation on the issue was given by Mr. Robert Lalramhluna, Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Mizoram. He discussed the significance of artificial intelligence (AI) and its cutting-edge consumer-beneficial applications in a variety of industries, including healthcare, banking, transportation, and entertainment. He also addressed the prospects for economic growth by improving consumer care, grievance redressal, and access to reasonably priced services.

About fifty club members participated in the event.