A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Mizoram University (MZU) and Govt Aizawl College (GAC), Govt. of Mizoram, on August 30, 2024.

Representatives of the College were led by Lalbiakzuala, Principal, Prof. Vanlalhruaia, Chairman, Disaster Management Committee, Prof.Vanlalringa Bawitlung, Member, Disaster Management Committee and Dr K.Vanrammawia, Asst. Coordinator, IQAC.

Representing MZU were Prof. Lalnundanga, Registrar and Dr. Laldinpuia, Associate Professor, Centre for Disaster Management (Coordinator), along with witnesses Prof. Ch. Udaya Bhaskara Rao,  Head i/c of CDM & Head, Dept. of Geography and Dr. R. Zonunsanga, Asst. Professor, Centre for Disaster Management.

The agreement was signed at the MZU Registrar's Office by the representatives of both parties for the preparation of Disaster Management Policy of GAC. MZU (Centre for Disaster Management) will prepare the policy and will also impart awareness and training. The College will implement the policy, conduct training and awareness programs, and make the necessary arrangements related to the policy.