The Department of Sociology had a field study at Hmuifang village, the college’s Adopted Village on the 29th March, 2021. Five (5) teaching faculty with forty-seven (47) students visited the village and were received by NGO leaders. The field study was conducted to study the socio-economic conditions of the village residents and to understand the social structure. Students interacted and conducted interviews with different NGO leaders and local residents. More than forty-six (46) respondents were interviewed. The field study was a success in terms of enhancing sociological understandings of the students on topics including education, socio-economic and religious settings which are all a part of their syllabus.  

To make a meaningful contribution to the community of Hmuifang village, the college Principal, who is also the Chairperson of the Village Adoption Cell, donated one gas burner stove to the village NGO leaders on behalf of the college which was received by a member of the Village Council and a representative of the MHIP.