The college observed the annual send-off of its graduating batch of students on the 22nd May at Hawla Auditorium. A total of 247 students were feted this year.

Dr. Lalthansangi chaired the programme. The graduating Commerce class presented a welcome song followed by Principal Mr. Lalremliana's welcome speech. Mr. Clement Liankunga, IAS Rtd., an alumni of the institution, delivered a commencement address.

Class Valedictorian, Esther Vanlalnunpuii Sailo (inset) Dept. of English, gave a moving valedictory speech. Lalhriatpuia of History Core, and a five-member dance team comprised of graduating students from different departments presented a song and a contemporary dance item respectively. Mementos were presented to each student.

In the lighthearted tradition of choosing a Graduating King and Queen, Josh Zosangliana, of the dept. of History, and Lalrammuani, Commerce, were crowned respectively.

Mr. Robert Laltinchhawna, Associate Professor, Dept. of History, gave a farewell speech which was followed by the traditional "Through The Years" slideshow, featuring digital memories of the students' three years of college. The function ended with the college faculty and staff members' presentation of a farewell song.

Dinner followed in Rooms. 701 and 702 at the college campus.