The NAAC Peer Team arrived on the 25th October 2022, one day behind schedule due to Cyclone Sitrang causing flights to be cancelled the previous day. However, only the Chairman and Coordinator were able to arrive on Tuesday while the other Team Member could arrive at the college only around 1 pm on the second day.
The team immediately set to business yesterday, beginning their evaluation at 5 pm with a hearing of the Principal's presentation at Mualpui campus, followed by presentations of nine different departments. A colourful Cultural Programme followed in the college conference hall.
On the second day, the team inspected the various club and extension body rooms at the Sikulpuikawn campus. They then returned to the main Mualpui campus where they had interaction with students, parents and alumni. They also underwent an infrastructure inspection of the library, basketball court, department rooms, language lab, etc etc. They then retired to write their report, following which an exit meeting was held with the faculty and staff in the conference hall, and a copy of the report was presented to the Principal.