Blood Donation Camp was jointly organized by the NSS and Red Ribbon Club, Govt. Aizawl College on the 29th March, 2022. A total of 166 Units of blood were donated. Department-Wise break-up of blood donation is as follows:


  1. Commerce- 30
  2. Political Science- 28
  3. Mizo- 21
  4. Sociology- 20 
  5. Economics- 14
  6. Education – 13
  7. History- 13
  8. English – 7
  9. Hindi – 3


A total of 327 students and 17 alumni volunteered for blood donation out of which 166 were eligible for donation making the blood donation break up into 149 units of blood were from students and the rest 17 units of blood were donated by the college Alumni.