Freshers' Social 2024 to welcome the new batch of freshers was held on the 17th July 2024 at Vanapa Hall. The chief guest, Pu Lalchhuanthanga, MLA , Aizawl South II, had to pull out at the last minute due to illness.

In his welcome address, the Principal Pu Lalbiakzuala informed the gathering that there are 665 enrollments in the 1st semester, Arts and Commerce streams combined, which is the largest in any govt. college within the state. He advised the freshers to work hard and put their degrees and certificates to good use for society and to emulate the example of many commendable graduates of the college.

Grace Zokhumi Hmar, English Major, delivered a speech on behalf of the freshers.

Felicitations and awards were also presented to thirteen rank holders in the recent University exams - nine in the Hindi Department, one each in Economics and Sociology, and two in Political Science. Awards sponsored by faculty were also presented to students scoring the highest SGPA in the nine academic departments. The Students Support & Progression Cell conducted the Felicitations ceremony as per tradition.